Get To Know Dr. Melissa Chovan
Dr. Melissa Chovan Psy.D., LPC
Hello, I am Dr. Melissa Chovan, Licensed Professional Counselor practicing in Alabama. Helping people is my calling. It is what I have done all of my life. With years of education, training, and personal growth I have made it my mission to continue helping people find hope and grow and building programs to engage the community in growth. I have been blessed to have the opportunities for training that I have had, agencies I have been blessed to work for, and to work in the communities in which I have worked.
My career began working with domestic violence and sexual assault. Since then I have worked with at risk youth in an alternative educational setting, child protective services as a therapist and advocate for parents, children, and foster families, community mental health, private practice, and the prison system. I have had the added benefit of being able to teach both online and in the classroom at the undergraduate and graduate college levels. And, I have had the opportunity to engage classes of professionals and individuals in trainings of various sorts.
I find it amazing how much I learn from each and every individual and community program I have worked with and for. My patients are some of my best teachers. My patients and I learn from each other. I have been very grateful to have had many wonderful professional mentors over the years. And, I have been blessed with a wonderful family and friends who support me in my career!